Palma a.s.

Combination of tradition and good quality.

Palma company has been offering quality products to the customers since 1920.
Palma is a traditional Slovak brand, a major player especially in  vegetable oils, margarines and baking fats range as well as in adult cosmetics and kids cosmetics range.

Portfolio of Palma products consists of 13 brands:
Raciol, Heliol, Fritol, Oliol, Ocho, Palmarin, Helia, Cera, Veto, Palma Ráno, Bupi and Voux.

According to the GfK survey 4 out of 5 Slovak households uses Palma products from vegetable oils, margarines and baking fats range.  Almost 10 000 pieces of Palma products are sold in Slovakia daily.  According to the Nielsen survey 76% of all sold children soaps are Bupi brand soaps that have been sold on the Slovak market for more than 20 years.

Palma Company is a modern brand with a long-term tradition and it places emphasis on innovation and good quality products.  Palma products follow the recent trends to meet the customers' expectations and this is evident also from the surveys of customer satisfaction where the customers express a high level of satisfaction with our products.

Raciol brand received the Superbrands award in 2014.  This award is an important indicator of combination of tradition and good quality appreciated not only by customers but also by experts.

Raciol brand received the Superbrand award four times in a row (2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017).  The fact that we have received this award four times in a row is an important indicator of combination of tradition and good quality appreciated not only by customers but also by experts.

The secret of the success of Raciol brand lies in the long-term good quality our customers can rely on.

In the last few years apart from Raciol brand several Palma brands received awards and certificates of quality - Slovak GOLD Certificate of Quality, SK Quality Brand Award, Best Buy Award manifesting the good quality of our products.
